Contribute to Cycling In Alignment
Your contribution helps to offset expenses which include paying the production and editing team, software subscriptions and hardware purchases. Gratitude.
Thank you for your consideration of support for the Cycling in Alignment podcast. If you feel this podcast has helped move the dial for you or someone you know, and you would like to demonstrate your appreciation for my effort, below are opportunities to make this happen. Choose one of these if it suits you, or select “Set My Own Amount” for complete authority over your contribution.
Your contribution helps to offset expenses which include paying the production and editing team, software subscriptions and purchases [ hosting platform, recording software, etc], and hardware purchases [microphones, etc] . The podcast also requires a significant amount of time and energy for me personally. I enjoy it immensely and would like to continue with the project. The most direct way my audience can tell me my time and effort is worth it to them, and that the project should continue, is to make a contribution.
Please be aware that you can make your support one-time only or recurring, I.E. a subscription. If you choose to subscribe, your card (or other payment method) will be charged monthly on the same day of the month that you first donated. For example, if you first donated on the 7th of this month, you will be charged again on the 7th of next month. Please make sure you mean to have this happen if you choose “recurring donation”.
I am very grateful for this opportunity and your consideration.
Think critically, act intuitively, pedal consciously.
– Colby